To be fair, that quote from Question Box is about using social media.
As is usually the case with UK people, this video needs subtitles for Americans. I can't understand probably about 10% of the dialog.
elder tells study internet is bad for research.
(watch the video here...).
it might be that the watchtower has embraced the internet in recent years as never before but in private things are the same .watch this video as an elder strongly discourages a study from using the internet to get answers.shameless mind control from the same people who promote in any kind shape and form their version of online truth , not many years ago they used to demonise the internet as the following quote from july 2007 kingdom ministry shows:.
To be fair, that quote from Question Box is about using social media.
As is usually the case with UK people, this video needs subtitles for Americans. I can't understand probably about 10% of the dialog.
earlier this year, i received an email from a jw family member with a link to this video:.
i wrote a long reply debunking the video (mostly copying talkorigins info).
I got taken off the email forwards list after debunking everything that was sent to me.
It was all crap forwarded by people that didn't bother to even check Snopes. The hidden camera in your TV converter box!! The shark that attacked a helicopter!! Nephilim skeletons found!!!
the pope told a distressed kid who lost his dog that "all god's creatures will go to paradise..." which has catholics asking do animals now have souls?
i hope i see my labrador again in paradise.
a man, well, he'll walk right into Hell with both eyes open. But even the Devil can't fool a dog.
a flash mob is defined as a large public gathering at which people perform an unusual or seemingly random act and then disperse.. jws are now in on the act and were doing this in bath on unsuspecting convention delegates during their tours after the convention.
they did this on at least three seperate occassions..
here's another one, not so public though.
Welcome to 2004.
wal-mart, which pays a top wage of $12.00+ to its full-time employees, is under attack, once again, by its employees and those who would like to unionize them.. i can't speak to the usa, but here in canada, most wal-mart employees are not full time.
it is mostly a part-time employer, so zero benefits.
in my opinion, that makes the $12.00+ look a lot smaller when you envision the actual paycheque.
Wal mart brainwashes their employees though their morning worship program. Some of them seriously believe that Walmart is a good employer and that they would fail if they tried to go elsewhere
A number of retailers do this morning indoctrination. ASMs get to go to an eight week indoctrination course. It is very much like a religion the page: 'homosexuals like you in tight pants,' jehovah's witness leader says reportsjillian page, montreal gazette more from jillian page, montreal gazette.
published on: november 12, 2014 last updated: november 12, 2014 11:33 pm est.
skin-tight pants are a no-no in public, church leader says,.
This is hardly anything new. I remember articles stating homosexuals ran the fashion industry years ago. Also, they were behind disco.
o.k just worked out how to start a new post/thread, just came across this and wanted to share with anyone that may be interested..
coeur dalene, idaho, city officials have laid down the law to christian pastors within their community, telling them bluntly via an ordinance that if they refuse to marry homosexuals, they will face jail time and fines.. read more: follow us: @washtimes on twitter.
Yes genes that get DAMAGED in the womb from mothers exposure, not forgeting that she has her eggs from birth. Genes also are not SET so to speak, they can be altered, swithed on and off- gene expression I think. You CAN change your DNA Can Change Your DNA by science: You really can change your DNA - and here's how OF CONSCIOUS INTENTION ON HUMAN DNA
You are linking to absolute bullshit websites.
o.k just worked out how to start a new post/thread, just came across this and wanted to share with anyone that may be interested..
coeur dalene, idaho, city officials have laid down the law to christian pastors within their community, telling them bluntly via an ordinance that if they refuse to marry homosexuals, they will face jail time and fines.. read more: follow us: @washtimes on twitter.
My concern is that the state is forcing a business to perform activities the owners do not want to participate in. How far does this extend?
What if I have an event business and I choose not to participate in 'Sweet 16' 'QuinceaƱera' or 'debutante' parties because I believe them to be culturally disgusting displays? Am I forced as a business to produce these?
If I am an athiest and don't want to participate in religious themed events? Don't believe in marriage at all and don't want to participate in producing marriage related events? Don't believe in Halloween and don't want to participate in producing Halloween events? The list could be endless.
This is an opportunity for the free market to create gay friendly marriage chapels if there is such a demand.
I suppose one option is for the business owners to shut down or move to another city or state where such meddling in private enterprise isn't an issue.
a baptized girl from my former cong.
was expelled out because she participated in more than one porn videos with classmates in the school and theses videos became public.
she is 14 years old and grew up as witnesses.but anybody knows she had many boyfriends and she-, but that thing was unbelievable!
The 14 year old is the victim of a crime - whoever was making those videos ought to go to prison for a long, long time.
And if it was the girl making the videos? Or a same age boy? We are going to send young teenagers to PRISON 'for a long, long time' where they all but certainly will be raped/sexually victimized?
How about we talk about the batshit insanity of parents giving internet enabled HD cams in the form of a phone to their kids at this age? 30-40% (depending on the study, the number keeps going up) of underage teens are producing naked pictures of themselves and sending them. We are going to jail a third of the kids in this country?
i am not a tech person but have been interested in all the talk about the cloud.. correct me if i'm wrong -.
my computor has memory/storage built in.
tons of stuff, family photos, personal records, my unfinished books.
Also, what Simon said; I was addressing it from a simpler consumer perspective.